.Acrylic acid (also known as 2-proenoic acid, vinyl formic acid, and propene acid). is a versatile, clear, colorless, corrosive, and flammable liquid that has a pungent odour. It has the formula C3H4O2 and is miscible with water. alcohol, ether, benzene, chloroform, and acetone. Acrylic acid is valuable as it is. a chemical intermediate widely used in the production. of many industrial and consumer products.


Acrylic acid manufacturers produce this chemical. by the vapour-phase oxidation of propylene. This process involves two reactors, with the first reactor converting the propylene. to acrolein and the second converting the acrolein to acrylic acid.

This method is quite expensive due to use of propylene. however there are some cheaper options that may also be possible. Another commercial manufacturing process involves the sequential oxidative dehydrogenation. of selective oxidation of propane to acrylic acid using a two-catalyst bed in a reactor.

Historically, acrylic acid has been produced through the carbonylation. of acetylene involving nickel carbonyl, carbon monoxide and acetylene. However, this process was more expensive due to the higher price of acetylene in comparison to propylene.


Acrylic acid is an important industrial chemical .as it is a chemical intermediate that is employed in the production. processes of many common industrial and consumer products. There are two main uses for acrylic acid.

Chemical intermediate

The first use of acrylic acid is as a chemical intermediate. in the production of acrylic esters and resins. which include ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate, methyl acrylate, and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate. They are then polymerised and become. ingredients in paint formulations. coatings, textiles (woven and non-woven). adhesives, polishes, and plastics. Methyl acrylate is also used .in the manufacturing of vitamin B1. The resins can be made into such things as moulding powders for signs, construction units, and decorative emblems.


The second major use for acrylic acid is. as a building block in the production. of polyacrylic acid polymers. These polymers are .cross-linked polyacrylates. and are super absorbent. with the ability. to absorb and retain. more than one hundred times. their own weight.

They are used to make nappies. feminine hygiene products and adult incontinence pads. Acrylic acid is also utilised in the production of detergent polymers and in the production of flocculants which are employed in wastewater treatment plants.

Demand for the acid has. seen continued growth. with increased interest. in laundry products. after the pandemic as well as for. architectural coatings in the Asia-Pacific region.

Chemical name

Acrylic acid

Chemical Formula


CAS Number
